Monday, August 25, 2014 - 14:00 to 15:15
Riga, Latvia

International Advanced Course on Clinical Management of Drug Resistant TB for WHO Europe Region countries 25.08.-05.09.2014, Riga, Latvia The goal of the training: To update knowledge of the participants on the latest global developments in M(X) DR-TB as well develop necessary skills for M(X) DR-TB case management in their respective settings. Target audience: The clinicians from WHO EURO region countries, who are responsible for the clinical management of DR TB Venue: WHO CC Latvia, Tuberculosis and Lung disease centre of Riga East University hospital Duration: Course will be held for 10 working days, 8 * 45min. lectures; Language: Course will be organized for English or/and Russian speaking participants Training fee will cover participants training materials, accommodation, local on ground transfers, half board meals, site visits, social event, visa support (if necessary) Candidates are asked to submit their application, enclosed to this announcement letter, no later than 30 of June, 2014 Contact information: Dr Vaira Leimane, WHO CC Latvia, E- mail. [email protected], Tel. + 371 67048246 Participants registration: Ms Liga Rusmane, Tuberculosis Foundation of Latvia, E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected], Tel. +371 67048246