The Stop TB Initiative was established following a meeting of the First Ad hoc Committee on the Tuberculosis Epidemic, held in London in March 1998. The meeting addressed rising global concern about a dramatic upsurge in the TB pandemic.
In March 2000, the Stop TB Initiative produced the Amsterdam Declaration to Stop TB, which called for action from ministerial delegations of 20 countries with the highest burden of TB. In the same year, the World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization endorsed the establishment of a Global Partnership to Stop TB, and set two targets to be achieved by 2005: to diagnose 70% of all people with infectious TB, and to cure 85% of those diagnosed.
The Stop TB Partnership, as it is now known, has evolved into a broad global partnership of over 2,000 partners drawn from TB communities, international and technical organizations, government programmes, research and funding agencies, foundations, NGOs, society and community groups, and private sector companies, all committed to eliminating TB as a public health problem by 2030.