34 Outcomes
34th Stop TB Board Decision Points [.pdf]

34-01 Opening 34th Stop TB Partnership Board Meeting
34-03 Communities, Rights and Gender
34-3.1 A Deadly Divide TB Commitments Vs. TB Realities

34-3.2_OneImpact CLM Conceptual and Implementation Framework FN

34-3.3 Stop TB Stigma Assessment Tool Implementation Handbook

34-3.4_Enabling TB Affected Community Engagement in TGF C19RM_Report on STP CS support package

34-3.5_Communities, Rights and Gender_Progress and Achievements Presentation

34-04 TB at the centre of airborne pandemic preparedness and response
34-4.1_COVID-TB Simultaneous Integrated Testing

34-4.2_COVID & TB Integrated Contact Investigation

34-4.3_ETTI_TechSheet_Disinfecting room air with GUV

34-4.4_ETTI_TechSheet_Personal Respirators

34-4.5 TB at the centre of airborne pandemic preparedness and response

34-4.6 Innovations for Tackling Tuberculosis in the Time of COVID-19_Pt.1

34-4.7 Innovations for Tackling Tuberculosis in the Time of COVID-19_Pt.2

34-4.8 Innovations for Tackling Tuberculosis in the Time of COVID-19_SpeakerBios

34-4.9_TB at the centre of PPR

34-4.10_Forum on Microbial Threats Innovations for Tackling Tuberculosis in the time of covid-19

34-4.11 Forum on Microbial Threats Innovations for Tackling Tuberculosis

34-05 Global Fund Session
34-5.1_GFSession_Tuberculosis Never a Priority, Always a Killer (disease split)

34-5.2 STP Community & Developing Country NGO Delegation Position Paper on Global Fund_working document__

34-5.3_Stop TB Partnership work on maximizing the impact of Global Fund investments in TB

34-5.4 Global Fund Session

34-06 Accelerating New TB Tools and Approaches
34-6.01 TB REACH Case for Investment
34-6.04_Early evaluation of ultra-portable X-ray system

34-6.05 TB Procurement & Market-Shaping Action Team Meeting Report

34-6.06 TB Medicines Dashboard

34-6.07 Digital Adherence Tool Pillbox Technical Information Note

34-6.08 TB Product Procurement and Delivery Planning GDF Guide

34-6.09 TB Medicine Budget Planning GDF Guide

34-6.10_TB-LAM Nigeria 2021 JCM

34-6.11_Truenat Implementation Guide

34-6.12_Re-imagining TB Care_Background paper

34-6.13_Annex A - Landscaping of Digital Health Tech Initiatives

34-6.14_Annex B - Foreward of Mapping the Tech Landscape of TB Prog Report

34-6.15 TB REACH Introducing and Evaluating New Tools and Approaches

34-6.16 GDF Connecting People, Programs, and Policies to TB Innovations

34-6.17 Re-imagining TB Care_Presentation

34-09 Mini-Retreat
34-9.1_Board Mini-Retreat Agenda