Since its formation in 2008, the Global Laboratory Initiative (GLI) has provided a focus for TB within the framework of a multi-faceted, integrated approach to laboratory capacity strengthening through a network of international partners.

Organizationally, GLI is one of the seven Working Groups of the Stop TB Partnership. Functionally, it serves as an independent, technical expert advisory group to WHO, the Stop TB Partnership, development and funding agencies, and countries. Structurally, the GLI consists of individuals with expertise in multiple disciplines, representing constituencies of stakeholders and/or institutions involved in global and country-level laboratory strengthening.

The GLI core group has representation from key constituencies including national and supranational reference laboratories, high TB and MDR-TB burden country programmes, technical partners, donors and civil society. The WHO Global TB Programme provides the GLI secretariat.

Marguerite Massinga Loembé​​​

Senior Science Manager
Independent Consultant - Health systems strengthening
Libreville, Gabon

Constituency: Technical agencies and implementation partners involved in global and country-level laboratory strengthening