1.12-0 Outcomes
Decisions Points

1.12-0 Presentations
1-12-01 Briefing TB Thailand

1-12-03 TB and the mining industry in SADC

1-12-04 TB HIV Co-epidemic

1-12-05 WHO Global Task Force on TB Impact Measurement

1-12-06 Hosting arrangements

1-12-08 Resources

1-12-09 Work Plan 2012-13

1-12-10 Research Movement

1-12-12 Advocacy - Private Sector Constituency

1-12-13-1 Resource Moblilization for TB

1-12-13-2 TB Investment Framework

1-12-14 TB REACH

1-12-15 GLC

1-12-16 TB and Human Rights Task Force

1.12-02 Report by Executive Secretary
1.12-2.0 Summary Executive Session

1.12-03 Breakthrough on TB and the mining industry in the SADC region
1.12 -3.0 TB and Mining Summary

1.12-06 Stop TB Partnership - The Core Part 1 - Hosting Arrangements
1.12-6.0 Summary Hosting Arrangements

1.12-6.1 Resolution WHA63_R10-en

1.12-6.2 Draft Hosting Terms

1.12-6.3 Response to the draft hosting terms from the TBP Executive Secretary

1.12-6.4 Memo to WHO from 6 heads of partnerships

1.12-07 Stop TB Partnership - The Core Part 2 – Governance Retreat
1.12-7.0 Summary Goverannce Retreat

1.12-10 Stop TB Partnership - Initiatives Part 1 – Research Movement
1.12-10.0 Summary Research Movement

1.12-16 Stop TB Partnership - Initiatives Part 6 - TB Lancet Observatory
1.12-16.0 Summary TB Lancet

1.12-17 Closing Session
1.12-17.0 Summary Closing Session