2.09-01 Administrative Session
2.09-01.1 Draft Agenda

2.09-02 Opening Ceremony
2.09-02.0 Opening Ceremony

2.09-03 Strengthening Performance Management in the Partnership
2.09-03.0 Summary Performance Management

2.09-03.1 Helping Global Health Partnerships to Increase their Impact

2.09-03.2 Preliminary Internal Review Report

2.09-03.3 Annex 1_Scoring sheet

2.09-03.4 Annex 2_Comments from Selection Committee 2008

2.09-03.5 Annex 3 4&5_Results

2.09-04 Partnership 2010-2011 Work Plan
2.09-04.00 Summary Work Plan 2010-2011

2.09-04.01 Overall Partnership Summary Planned, Budgeted, Difference

2.09-04.02 GDF Summary Planned and Budgeted

2.09-04.03 GDF Planned Costs

2.09-04.04 GDF Budgeted Costs

2.09-04.05 Secretariat Summary Planned and Budgeted

2.09-04.07 Secretariat Budgeted Cost

2.09-04.08 TB REACH Concept Note

2.09-04.09 TBHIV WG WP

2.09-04.10 New Diagnostics WG WP

2.09-04.11 New Vaccines WG WP

2.09-04.12 DEWG Action Plan summary 2010-11

2.09-06 MXDR-TB Follow-Up
2.09-06.0 Summary MDR

2.09-06.1 Report of the Ministerial Meeting of high M-XDR-TB burden countries

2.09-06.2 Beijing Call for Action for TB control and care

2.09-06.3 English TB resolution final A62_R15-en

2.09-06.4 Update on progress in implementing the WHA resolution on MDR-TB

2.09-06.5 ANNUAL REPORT 2008 final

2.09-06.6 GDF Progress and Challenges

2.09-09 The Rio Recommendations
2.09-09.0 Summary Rio Recommendations

2.09-09.1 Rio Recommendations

2.09-09.2 Rio Recommendations Synthesis

2.09-09.3 Rapporteurs Report

2.09-09.4 Forum Technical Report

2.09-09.5 TOR TB and Human Rights TF

2.09-09.6 TOR HRD Sub Group

2.09-11 Impact Assessment Task Force
2.09-11.1 Progress Update

2.09-13 Closing Session
2.09-13.0 Summary Closing Session